Corruption Giants and their cohorts..Rao Anwar former SSP Sindh Police speaks from heart

 Corruption Giants and their cohorts

Corruption can devastate a nation in several ways. It undermines trust in institutions, hampers economic growth, distorts public policies, fosters inequality, and erodes social cohesion. Resources intended for public welfare may be misappropriated, hindering development and exacerbating poverty. Additionally, corruption can breed a culture of impunity, making it challenging to address other societal issues effectively.

A televised interview

of former President of Pakistan is more than enough for nation to decide on Feb 08 2024 general elections in Pakistan.
Corruption in Sindh, a province in Pakistan, is a significant issue that has a major impact on the daily lives of its people. The province has been plagued by corruption in various sectors, including politics, law enforcement, and government services.

The lack of accountability and transparency has allowed corruption to thrive in Sindh, with reports of bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism being widespread. This has resulted in a range of negative consequences for the people of Sindh, including a lack of access to basic services such as healthcare and education, as well as a lack of infrastructure development.

The government of Sindh has been widely criticized for its failure to address corruption effectively and hold those responsible accountable. Efforts to combat corruption in the province have often been marred by political interference and lack of commitment from the authorities.

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