Establishment of the state of Israel in 1948,the status of Jerusalem,considered a holy city by both Jews and Muslims

The Israel-Palestine quarrel is a very old and complex issue that has been at the center of global attention for decades. The conflict began in the early 20th century, with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, following the end of British rule in the region. The creation of Israel led to the dislocation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who were strained to flee their homes and become refugees. The origin of the conflict lies in rival claims to the land by both the Jewish and Palestinian people. Both groups have historical and religious ties to the region, which has led to disputes over territory and the right to self-determination. The conflict has been characterized by violence, terrorism, and extremism from both sides, leading to a cycle of vengeance and reprisal. One of the main points of difference in the conflict is the status of Jerusalem, which is considered a holy city by both Jews and Muslims. The city has been a crucial point of the conflict, with both Israel and Palestine claiming it as their capital. The issue of Jerusalem has been a major stumbling block in peace negotiations, as both sides are unwilling to compromise on their claims to the city. One more major issue in the conflict is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, including the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israel has built settlements in these areas, which are considered illegal under international law. The settlements have led to the displacement of thousands of Palestinians and have been a major source of tension between the two sides. The conflict has also been exacerbated by the actions of extremist groups on both sides. Palestinian militant groups, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have carried out numerous attacks against Israeli civilians, while Israeli settlers have engaged in violence against Palestinians. This cycle of hostility has only served to deepen animosity and mistrust between the two communities. Efforts to resolve the conflict have been made by various international actors, including the United Nations, the United States, and the European Union. The most notable attempt at peace was the Oslo Accords, signed in 1993, which aimed to establish a framework for a two-state solution. However, the peace process has been spoiled by setbacks, including continued violence, settlement expansion, and disagreements over the terms of a final settlement. Regardless of the challenges, there remains hope for a peaceful declaration to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Both Israelis and Palestinians have shown a eagerness to settle and compromise, and there is widespread support for a two-state solution among the international community. However, achieving peace will require both sides to make difficult concessions and address the root causes of the conflict, including the status of Jerusalem, the rights of refugees, and the security concerns of both Israelis and Palestinians. Only through genuine dialogue, mutual understanding, and a assurance to peace can the Israel-Palestine conflict be resolved once and for all. Written by: Akhtar Bukhari x- @LoveforSoil Facebook: akhtar.bukhari1 Email:


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