A unique legislation

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Grants himself Lifelong Immunity From Prosecution.The law also prevents opposition leaders who are living in exile from running in future presidential elections. New Law Signed By Belarusian President Grants Him Lifelong Immunity From Prosecution.The president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has signed into law, an order that gives him lifelong immunity from criminal prosecution. The law also prevents opposition leaders who are living in exile from running in future presidential elections. Theoretically, the law applies to any former president and members of his or her family. However, the law only applies to Lukashenko, a 69-year-old opposition leader who ruled the country with an iron fist for 30 years. The new law eliminates any potential challenger in the country’s next presidential election in 2025. With the new law, the president and members of his family will be provided with lifelong state protection, medical care, and life and health insurance. The president, after his resignation, will also become a permanent lifelong member of the upper house of parliamen.


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